What is Editing About?
Editor’s job is not mysterious or discreet one. Even before you start – you might guess the main task the editors face. But if you want to know it all like the back of your hand… Start your career as a junior Editor. So, what do you actually start with?
Get your workplace ready for the fruitful and entertaining pastime: you are welcome to stay in bed while rolled in plaid with your laptop on your knees, sit down at your favorite desk or choose a city café you adore. Select the topic which is your cup of tea (meanwhile, you may, indeed, get a cup of tea to brighten your mood before the start). Open the text document and begin your journey of finding the most suitable language formulas. Maybe you already have a pile of dictionaries next to you? Now you can be skeptic, picky and fastidious. We love it! If you are a fault-finder – you’d be a success in our team!